Stick Man: 5 activities for exploring the story with EYFS and KS1

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Welcome to the third in our blog series introducing our Story Explorer World Book Day 2020 selection! So far we’ve talked about ideas for The Rainbow Fish and The Tiny Seed. This week it’s the turn of another renowned children’s author, Julia Donaldson, and her much loved book Stick Man!

Stick Man by Julia Donaldson

Who is it for?

Julia Donaldson’s tales, including Stick Man, are a staple of every classroom with children from EYFS through KS1.

Why do we love this book?

‘“A stick!” barks the dog.

“An excellent stick!

The right kind of stick

For my favourite trick!”’

Rhyming stories are brilliant for young readers! Rhyme teaches children the fun of words and language, it helps them to predict what comes next and work as a memory aid. The repeated refrains and lyrical style of this story make it enjoyable to read and to listen to.

Donaldson cleverly takes an everyday object and brings it to life in a series of comical situations that the children will be able to recognise. It teaches young readers that there can be joy and imagination in the most ordinary of places!



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